Week 1
L1 - Place values #
L2 - Counting on and back #
L3 - Negative numbers #
L4 - Problem solving #
L5 - Consolidation
Week 2
L1 - Mental subtraction
L2 - Column subtraction #
L3 - Column subtraction #
L4 - Adding and subtracting decimals #
L5 - Consolidation
Week 3
L1 - Angles #
L2 - Measuring angles #
L3 - Drawing angles #
L4 - Missing angles #
L5 - Consolidation
Week 1
L1 - Division #
L2 - Division #
L3 - Division #
L4 - Rounding remainders #
L5 - Consolidation
Week 2
L1 - Decimal place values #
L2 - Ordering fractions #
L3 - Adding fractions #
L4 - Subtracting fractions #
L5 - Consolidation
Week 3
L1 - Distance conversions #
L2 - Metric to imperial conversions #
L3 - Measure #
L4 - Scaled measurements #
L5 - Consolidation
Week 1
L1 - Decimal fractions #
L2 - Ordering decimal fractions #
L3 - Rounding decimal fractions #
L4 - Problem solving #
L5 - Consolidation
Week 2
L1 - Decimal addition #
L2 - Decimal subtraction #
L3 - Decimal addition and subtraction #
L4 - Decimal addition and subtraction #
L5 - Consolidation
Week 3
L1 - Line graphs #
L2 - Straight line graphs #
L3 - Timetables #
L4 - Time distance graphs #
L5 - Consolidation
Week 1
L1 - Multiplication #
L2 - Grid method #
L3 - Column multiplication #
L4 - Problem solving #
L5 - Consolidation
Week 2
L1 - Percentages - decimals #
L2 - Percentages - decimals #
L3 - Percentages - fractions #
L4 - Problem solving #
L5 - Consolidation
Week 3
L1 - Perimeters #
L2 - Areas #
L3 - Area and perimeter #
L4 - Irregular areas #
L5 - Consolidation