Primary Maths Specialists


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Be ahead of the game, let your pupils practise their arithmetic and 12 times tables at home, with our interactive worksheets which are designed for use on an IWB

Image Link

Practice your Times Tables and other Primary Maths skills here
Link to 12xtables 


Simply copy and paste the code below into the HTML of your school's website

 <p align="center"><font size="2" face="Arimo">Practise your Times Tables and other Primary Maths skills</font><a href="" target="_self"><font size="2" face="Arimo">here</font><br>

<img src="images/Logos/little logo for worksheets.jpg" width="175" height="155" border="0" alt="Link to"></font></a></p>


Plain text link

Practise your Times Tables and other Maths skills here

 <p><font size="2" face="Arimo">Practise your Times Tables and other Primary Maths skills</font><font size="2" face="Arimo"> </font><a href="" target="_self"><font size="2" face="Arimo">here</font></a></p>